Article Number (Market Facing Number) 6ES7131-6BF00-0CA0
Product Description SIMATIC ET 200SP, digital input module, DI 8x 24 V DC High Feature, input type 3 (IEC 61131), sink input, (PNP, sink input) Packing unit: 1 unit, suitable for BU type A0, color code CC01, input delay 0.05..20 ms; Channel diagnostics for: Encoder power supply short circuit, wire break, supply voltage, channel fault LED
Product family Digital input modules
Product Lifecycle (PLM) PM300:Active Product
Do I / O systems need to meet different needs?
SIMATIC et 200 provides a multifunctional, modular and precisely scalable system for distributed automation. The system provides a solution that can be installed in the control cabinet, or directly deployed on the machine without the control cabinet and used in dangerous areas. All products can be integrated into the automation system through PROFIBUS or PROFINET
SIMATIC et 200 – I / O system suitable for use inside and outside the control cabinet
Et 200 system has modular design and can be easily expanded, including digital and analog input / output, CPU with comprehensive s7-1500 function, safety technology, motor starter, frequency converter and various process modules.
Flexible solution with protection grade of IP20
Today, the requirements of I / O systems are becoming increasingly complex. SIMATIC et 200mp for central control cabinet and SIMATIC et 200sp for step-by-step control box improve the standards of availability, scalability and functionality. Due to its modular design, the ET 200 system can be easily expanded. The functions of each module can be extended consistently, including basic functions until high performance and high speed are achieved.
Rugged, powerful, protection class up to IP 65 / 67
SIMATIC et 200 with protection up to IP 65 / 67 is small, durable and powerful. They are very suitable for direct use on machines in harsh industrial environments. Due to the time-saving installation, distributed automation solutions can be flexibly deployed even in the outdoor environment outside the factory building.
Use TIA selection tool for quick, convenient and safe selection and configuration
You can easily configure the I / O station directly in TIA selection tool! Through the intelligent selection tool and selection assistant, the correct selection can be made without special knowledge. Extremely flexible cross team work can be achieved through desktop and cloud models.